D-Day Dodgers (song in english)
Data: 02-01-2004Autore: VALENTINO ROSSETTICategorie: SpigolatureTag: canzoni-poesie


Suny to the Tune of Lili Marlene.

We are the D-Day Dodgers
Out in Italy
Drinking all the Vino
And going on the spree
Eight army scroungers
And the Yanks
We uve in Rome
And dodge the tanks
Because we are the D-Day Dodgers
Out in Italy

We landed at Salerno
A holiday with pay
Jerry brought his band out
To cheer us on the way
He showed us the sights
And he gave us tea
We all got drunk
The beer was free
Because we are the D-Day Dodgers
Out in Italy

Naples and Cassino
Were taken in our stride
We didn’t go to fight there
We just went for a ride
Anzio and Sangro
Were all a farce
we did nothing else
But sit on our arse
Because we are the D-Day Dodgers
Out in Italy

On the way to Florence
We had a lovely time
We ran a bus to Rimini
Right through the Gothic Line
Soon to Bologna
We will go
When Jerry buggers off
Beyond the Poe
Because we are the D-Day Dodgers
Out in Italy

If you look around the mountains
In the mud and ram
You will find the scattered crosses
Some which bare no name
Heart breaking toil and suffering gone
The boys beneath them
Slumber on
Because they were the D-Day Dodgers
Out in Italy

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